August TPC 7-Day Racial Equity Challenge

  • August 01, 2023
  • August 07, 2023
  • Various virtual activities


We are very excited to extend an invitation for you to join other TPC members in our 7 Day Racial Equity Challenge.

About the Challenge: The Challenge offers participants a self-guided learning journey to examine the history and impacts of racism and other structural inequities with a particular focus on local examples. It also helps us as a collective to deepen our learning about and commitment to racial equity. TPC is committed to action that includes addressing systemic racism and identifying improvements to become more equitable and inclusive. This work is particularly important because of the position of power and privilege that TPC holds as a funder in the nonprofit space. We especially encourage you to take this challenge if you intend to serve on a grant team.  You may read further about why TPC thinks diversity, equity, and inclusion matter.

The TPC Challenge will start on August 1 and end on August 7th.

How It Works: Starting Monday August 1st, you will receive daily emails with materials on specific topics; primarily short articles or video clips, action items, and reflection questions. Topics include Racial Identity Formation, The Racial Wealth Gap, Understanding and Reflecting on Our Bias, and others. We encourage you to take 15-20 minutes per day with the articles that interest you most.

Participating TPC members will be invited to a post-discussion to share thoughts and reflections about the Challenge. The group will meet once, virtually, and will be facilitated by a TPC member.

Took the Challenge before?? We welcome return participants to reread and reconnect with fellow members in the 7 Day version. This version has undated materials.


Over 50% TPC members have participated in this exercise to date and found it so powerful that they couldn’t wait to share it with everyone:

“Facing into it every single day was an eye opener. I could no longer let all these issues stay quietly hidden under a blanket of my mind. It was excellent.”

“It was brilliant to assign a daily theme (and not just because it underscored the enormity and variety of racial inequity). It helped me to pinpoint the specific topics where I most need to do more work.”

Please register today for what we believe will be a perspective-changing, if not life-changing, experience. You will receive detailed instructions before August 1.

Acknowledgements: Jennifer Angarita has skillfully adapted our version of the 21-Day Racial Equity Challenge from the Greenville Equity Challenge, Food Solutions New England 21-Day Racial Equity Challenge and the United Way of Washtenaw County 21-Day Challenge, and Penny Weeks has revised the current 7- day version.

Our Mission

Inspire and enable a community of women to learn, grow, and engage in collective giving to support nonprofit organizations that address systemic inequities impacting individuals and families within the greater Boston area.

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The Philanthropy Connection
Phone: 617.544.7812

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